The Valley’s Best Production Equipment Rental House… but that’s not all.
We help you get the job done, or provide the tools to allow you to get the production done with your own crew. We’re here to help you make things happen.
L.A. Film Rentals, an independent production house specializing in producing high-quality, dramatic and impactful projects that deliver your target message, brand or theme with cinematic excellence.
Our crew has been changing the world for over 20+ years, and are here to offer our services to you for your next production. From prep and planning, to script writing and location scouting to principal photography to wrap and post – we can assist your entire production from start to finish to ensure a pleasurable, efficient and on-budget production.
Ask us about our crew placement program.
Need an extra hand on set? We place specialized crew when needed, even last minute when available.

Why Choose LAFR?
• Competitive prices
• Friendly & knowledgable customer service and support
• Pickup and drop off 24/7 via our Trailer Lockbox
• Wide variety of rental equipment to choose from
• Tons of speciality items not found elsewhere
• Name brand, quality, reliable & well-maintained gear
• Safe and secure pickup/drop off location
• Open 7 days for off-site support during rental period
• Drop off as late as midnight on your drop off day!
• Same Day / Last Minute Rental Services

Meet Fee.
Our top security manager and advisor supervising all client interactions.